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Use Your Computer to Lower Your Utility Bills

September 05, 2012

With energy costs rising, all of us are looking for ways to stay comfortable without spending a fortune to do so; but where do you go to find out the best way to go about it?  Everyone’s needs are different; some are living in a trendy downtown loft, some in a large suburban home.  We’ve compiled a list of websites that offer tips and tricks that fit everyone’s needs. energy.gov/energysaver/energy-saver

  • This is your go-to website, very comprehensive, all year round.  The U.S. Department of Energy offers general tips for buying efficient appliances, remodeling for better efficiency, saving electricity, insulating, and ways to save on heating and cooling. 
  • Sub-pages to the U.S. Department of Energy’s main Energy Savers site that deal with tips to save energy inside your home and out, all year long. These pages give a list of low- and no-cost energy tips including links to specific ways to apply the tips. There’s also a comprehensive guide to energy-related publications for consumers.


  • The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities offers a Kids Corner, conservation tips, seasonal ideas, a glossary, and information on recycling old appliances.


  • Jersey Central Power and Light gives 100 ways to improve your electric bill, an energy use analyzer, and a guide to electricity costs.

http://amwater.com/njaw/water-information/wise-water-use and https://amwater.com/corp/water-quality-and-wasterwater-service

  • New Jersey American Water provides a good overview of how to keep your water bill low and how to spot leaks that may be keeping your bills high as well as wasting water.


  • New Jersey Natural Gas has a comprehensive site that includes conservation tips, kids’ tips, special offers, rebates, and energy savings for home and business.


  • A very cool interactive site that has a diagram of a house that allows you to click on each room in order to get energy-savings tips for that specific room. Posted by the Florida Public Service Commission.


  • The California Energy Commission has a great site including a page that lists free and inexpensive ways to save energy in the summer and winter.


  • The State of California offers several “fast and free” tips.


  • This page offers some good tips, especially regarding water usage and humidity.

From the biggest mansion to the coziest bungalow, the rising price of energy affects everyone’s utility bills.  However, everyone also has the resources to lower those bills with a little research.

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Last Updated: December 03, 2024