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Don't Go Breaking My Unit: Name Those HVAC Parts

May 16, 2019

Can you name all of these heating, ventilation and air conditioning parts? Let's put your HVAC knowledge to the test. You might surprise yourself when the answers are revealed at the bottom!

1. What part has temperature sensors that decide whether your heater or air conditioning turns on and off?

Hint: there are programmable and non-programmable options.

2. This part is a key component of your furnace. It absorbs heat and quickly warms the air that's brought into your home. What part is it?

Hint: All types of furnaces have these and a problem with it could cause a carbon monoxide leak.

3. What furnace part is located on the top or side and lets cool air flow through the home?

Hint: When hot air touches this cold coil, it causes condensation.

4. This air conditioner or heat pump part is usually installed outside of your home. The first step of this part's job is to compress and condense refrigerant from its warm gaseous state into a cold liquid that your air conditioner can use. So if this part is dirty, your electrical costs may rise, which is why it's included in our tune-ups.  What part is it?

Hint: After this part completes its job, your system sends the liquid to your evaporator coil.

5. Which HVAC parts aren't typically seen, but are located in the walls or ceiling and responsible for distributing air? Hint: Exposing this part became a major design trend in 2013.


1. Thermostat

2. Heat Exchanger

3. Evaporator Coil

4. Compressor (also called Condenser Coil)

5. Ductwork


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Last Updated: December 03, 2024