An End-of-Summer Checklist for Homeowners

September 01, 2023

schoolbus in fall

September is filled with plenty of changes. Kids are back to school, seasons begin to shift, football season gets underway, and fall lovers everywhere start to push their love of pumpkin spice! But the question remains: Are you ready for all this change?

It’s ok if you’re not, because A.J. Perri is here to help. And since September is recognized as National Preparedness month, there’s no excuse for not planning—especially with our team by your side.

Here at A.J. Perri, we want all our customers to be prepared and responsible homeowners. So, we’ve gathered a list of five ways you can get their homes prepped and ready for the upcoming fall season. Think of it as your “end of summer / beginning of fall” home maintenance checklist. Ready, set, let’s go!

Schedule that annual furnace tune-up.

We wouldn’t be your favorite New Jersey HVAC and plumbing company if we didn’t remind you to schedule that regular HVAC maintenance appointment sooner rather than later. Getting all your ducks in a row now is the perfect way to prevent any unwanted emergency plumbing services or HVAC hiccups that might occur down the line. Schedule an appointment with us today to get started.

Do a thorough cleaning and declutter.

Many of us are well-versed in spring cleaning, but somehow fall cleaning seems often gets lost in the shuffle. You can get your home in top fall shape by cleaning return vents, decluttering your common living areas, purging any summer items that may be collecting dust, and giving your home a good cleaning from top to bottom.

Check in on your water heater.

Sure, scheduling an annual HVAC inspection is essential for a stress-free season, but don’t forget about your water heater. After all, hot water is the salvation for many of us when those chilly fall nights settle in. A professional water flush and water heater inspection are both great ways to ensure superior comfort and warmth this season. Just call us! As always, A.J. Perri’s techs are always available for all your water heater needs, including water heater repair.

Investigate any leaks.

Is your toilet running? Is your sink constantly dripping? You could have a leak. Avoid emergency plumbing services by scheduling a routine plumbing inspection with A.J. Perri today.

Clean gutters and check spouts for any blockages.

End of summer is a great time to clean your gutters and downspouts. Debris from summer storms can easily collect in your gutters, so it’s always a good practice to check them towards the end of each season. Also, be sure to check downspouts for any clogs and remove them promptly.

And Two More Bonus Ways to Prep…

And of course, there are always those things that when “out of sight” are typically “out of mind.” On the tails of completing our five tips to prep for fall don’t forget these typically “unseen” ideas as well.

Clean out your dryer vent hose.

While you probably empty your lint catcher inside your dryer after each load, your dryer vent hose has been accumulating plenty of debris, lint, dog hair, tissues, and more gunk all year long. Check the dryer vent hose and do a good clean out at the end of each season.

Check the roof for damage.

Summer thunderstorms are no joke. If you’ve experienced them, be sure to inspect your roof for any missing shingles or other damage that may have occurred during a summer storm. The last thing you want as fall arrives is a leaky roof!

Need an appointment? Feel free to schedule service online right here!

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Last Updated: May 29, 2024