If you have a warranty through Elite Air, or you’re a member of one of our home service plans, your services, warranty, and service plan will continue to be honored by A.J. Perri. If you have any questions about your service, please call (732) 733-2541.

Don’t Let These 5 Common Furnace Problems Scare You

October 05, 2023

fall furnace maintenance

Boo! How did the summer escape us so quickly? Somehow, it’s already fall and we’re starting to toss on flannel shirts and sip our pumpkin lattes. Before we know it, the holidays will arrive, and we will all be knee-deep in celebrations and tree trimming.

Ack! Ok, ok. We know—we’re getting ahead of ourselves. It’s only the start of the fall season and trick or treating hasn’t even begun. However, it is that time of the year when the air turns chilly, and we strive for a cozy home. And what keeps us most snug? Why, our furnace of course!

To avoid having to call for emergency heating service this fall, our team of pros is sharing five ways your furnace or heating system may be giving you a fright—and how you can solve them!

Faulty Thermostat

A malfunctioning thermostat can lead to furnace heating system problems. If your system is short cycling, your thermostat setting doesn’t match the room’s temperature, your furnace won’t turn off, or the thermostat is simply not responding, that’s a frightening issue. If replacing the batteries doesn’t do the trick, give our team of techs a call. We can investigate and solve your issue quickly.

Cracked Heat Exchanger

Unfortunately, a cracked heat exchanger can be scary. Why? Because it can be costly. If you notice dirt or soot on the inside of your furnace, a yucky smell, or water on the floor near your furnace, it’s a good bet you have a cracked heat exchanger. This isn’t something you want to mess around with. Sometimes homeowners might even experience flu-like symptoms or headaches and nausea when they crack if carbon monoxide has seeped through. Call us right away for a professional furnace inspection if you notice any of these signs!

Poorly Functioning Pilot Light

Does your furnace have trouble igniting? Many times, older furnaces suffer from pilot light problems. If your furnace falls into this category and has trouble staying lit or igniting, call us for professional service. (Tip: If you plan to try and relight your pilot yourself after it’s been out for quite some time, turn off the gas supply and wait at least 10 minutes before retrying. As you know, natural gas is very flammable, and you may have gas built up in your unit.) Want total peace of mind? Call A.J. Perri for help!

Double Check Your Settings

We hate to be too obvious, but one of the first things to check is your settings. Be sure your thermostat is on and set to heat. With all the hustle and bustle we homeowners experience, sometimes switches get bumped off or settings get nudged! It’s happened to the best of us. Do yourself a favor and check that all settings are set properly.

Clogged, Dirty Filters

You’ve heard us say this before, and we’ll say it again. Clogged or dirty filters cause your furnace to restrict airflow and make your system work harder than necessary. When your system works in excess, it can lead to all types of problems. By regularly changing your air filters every one to three months, you’ll allow your furnace to work at its best efficiency.

Time for a Heater Tune-Up?

We know it’s soon time for pumpkins, scary movies, and hayrides. But is your home due for a heater tune-up, too? If you haven’t had your annual furnace checkup yet, then that answer is yes! A regular HVAC tune-up provides a bevy of prevention benefits including:

  • Helps reduce the risk of costly breakdowns
  • Helps increase efficiency and reduce heating/cooling costs
  • Helps improve comfort and reliability
  • Lifetime warranty on repairs with continued A.J. Perri maintenance plan membership

Learn more about our maintenance agreement or contact us today!

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Last Updated: May 29, 2024