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Celebrate Clean Air Month & Breathe Easier

May 09, 2024

Every breath we take is a gift. And thanks to a federal law called the Clean Air Act—those breaths we take are probably much cleaner than they used to be! If you’re not familiar with the Clean Air Act, here’s what you need to know: The law, which was initiated in 1963 and has been amended multiple times over the years, is designed to reduce and control air pollution nationwide.

Each May we recognize Clean Air Month, a time dedicated to making the earth healthier, greener, and more environmentally friendly. And as always, the pros at A.J. Perri are joining in on the celebration. Here’s some info about the air we breathe along with tips for boosting your air quality—both indoor and out.

Learn More and Breathe Better

Most of us know that investing in a home air purifier or filtration system is a great way to boost our indoor air quality. Air purifiers can remove up to 99.9 % of allergens from the filtered air and provide relief for those who suffer from respiratory issues and other allergies. But what else should we know about clean air as we observe Clean Air Month? Here are seven things:

1. Change air filters

Changing air filters on a regular basis (at least every three months is our recommendation) will allow your system to work more efficiently without overworking your system. Plus, it keeps your indoor air filtered, fresher, and cleaner. Plus, regular updating of filters helps prevent premature HVAC replacement or air conditioning tune-ups!

2. Vacuum rugs and vents

Removing dust particles and dust bunnies can also help keep air cleaner and cut back on allergy triggers.

3. Plant trees

Planting trees is a great way to boost air quality, too. Since trees give off oxygen, they are a great environmental resource.

4. Invest in indoor plants

There are many indoor plants that can also help to clean your indoor air including Peace Lilies, English Ivy, spider plants, and Bamboo Palm.

5. Carpool

Do you drive to work? You can educe outdoor pollution by carpooling with co-workers. Fewer emissions equals better quality of air.

6. Invest in electric mowers and lawn equipment

It’s time to ditch the gas-powered lawn mowers. Gas powered lawn equipment pollutes the air with carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and other VOCs (volatile organic compounds). According to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency, gas-powered lawnmowers can emit the same amount of pollution in one hour as a car that’s driven for 100 miles! Switching to electric lawn tools is an ideal option since they produce nearly zero pollution.

7. Walk or bike to work

If you live close to your office and don’t drive, consider walking or biking to the work. You’ll not only be adding exercise to your routine, but you’ll help keep outdoor air cleaner by reducing car emissions.

Interested in Getting More Involved?

Clean air is vital to our survival on the planet. If you’d like to learn how you can support clean air initiatives, contact your local representative to see how you can help. In the meantime, keeping your HVAC system in shape with a seasonal air conditioning tune-up is a great step toward energy efficiency and better indoor air. Schedule your appointment with A.J. Perri today online today!

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Last Updated: March 20, 2025