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4 Reasons Why We Think Air Conditioning is the Coolest

June 29, 2015

4 Reasons Why We Think Air Conditioning is the Coolest

Summer is in full swing here in New Jersey, which means our air conditioners are working overtime to keep our homes cool and comfortable.

While most of us have always enjoyed the luxury of air-conditioned homes, modern air-conditioning as we know it is a relatively young technology.

Some of us here at A.J. Perri had lived through New Jersey summers before indoor air conditioning became commonplace. As a result, the indoor air conditioning system is one of our favorite home appliances.

So, while still in the midst of the summer and the heat, we decided it would be fun to pay tribute to the Modern Air Conditioner. In honor of our favorite home appliance, the air conditioner, we’ve put together a list of a few facts you probably didn’t know about air conditioning from Salvatore Basile’s new book, “Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything.”

A Few Reasons Why We Think Air Conditioning is the Coolest with Super Cool Facts from “Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything,” by Salvatore Basile.

1. Summer movie blockbusters became popular as movie theater owners wanted to fill seats in the late teens and early 1920’s. Before air conditioning was affordable at home, people scrambled to the local theater to beat the heat.

2. Would you pay the equivalent of $3500 for a single, window-mounted air conditioner? You would if you wanted air conditioning in your home in the 1940s when an air conditioner cost $350, or roughly ten times that today.

3. Heir to the barbed-wire fortune, Charles Gates, built the first fully air-conditioned home in Minneapolis in 1913.

4. Our Nation’s first President of the United States to have an air-conditioned oval office was Herbert Hoover. The expenditure cost approximately $30,000 in 1929.

To learn more about your air conditioner, please visit our website or blog. If you are in our New Jersey service area and need air conditioner maintenance or repair (or if you just want to chat about how much you love your air conditioner,) please give A.J. Perri a call or schedule online.


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Last Updated: May 29, 2024